
Kansas South Solar Farm

  • Client Recurrent Energy
  • Location Stratford, CA
  • Size (MW) 27
  • Number of Modules 113,280
  • Number of Piles 23,680
  • Number of Trackers 1,600

Project Overview

The Kansas South solar project is a 27MW project constructed over 203 acres in Stratford, California. The project includes polycrystalline modules on an Array Technologies single-axis tracking system, installed on former agricultural land. It also includes a 20-year power purchase agreement with Pacific Gas & Electric.

Project Challenges

The project had a very aggressive construction schedule, which required the timely delivery of equipment and materials as well as tight adherence to the mechanical and electrical installation timelines.

The project was also built during the peak summer months, which required careful consideration of health and safety protocol for workers on site.


We partnered with subcontractors that were able to commit to our construction schedule. With close and frequent communication across all trades, we ensured the construction was completed on time.


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