Santé AU: Local Manufacturing

12 October 2020

Santé Australia: Local Manufacturing update

Why go local?

In these unprecedented times of restriction, the realisation has sunk in – we must rely on what is closest to us, and what is within our realm of control. It applies in many aspects of our lives; in the choices we make as consumers, and right up to business transactions. Despite all the benefits globalisation brings, there are unique challenges that have been exposed by the unheard-of restrictions. From simple matters of alternate time zones, language barriers, to the more frightening trend of an increase of scams and various other frauds, through to the major issues of political tensions and violation of human rights. Globalisation is good; localisation is better.

How does it apply to supply chain and PPE?

Through all the challenges above, and as we emerge into a post-COVID world, it is becoming apparent that the way forward for a successful and fully risk-mitigated supply chain, is through localised sources. The epitome of localised sourcing is a product that is wholly manufactured within the country of use. In Australia, PPE consumables are traditionally procured from China and other Asian nations. Wages are lower, and the sharpest prices are achieved, however, the realism of the challenges faced over the COVID period have changed the sights of individuals and leaders alike in the way we perceive purchasing and supply. So, it is with excitement that we eye the newly emerged prospect of resurrecting local manufacturing of PPE consumables, bringing unique product and benefits to our clients and our country – Bring Back Manufacturing to Australia!

What are Santé doing about local manufacturing in Australia?

Working with our extensive network of local and global suppliers and contractors, and backed up with on-the-ground experience around the globe, Santé has pivoted to explore a large-scale solution for manufacturing PPE consumables within Australia. Our flagship focus at this stage is the mass production of disposable isolation/surgical gowns, an area we consider very lacking in the Australian manufacturing sector. Partnering with local experts and distributors, we have embarked on developing a highly unique and creative method to manufacture disposable gowns which will bring you both speed and volume of supply. The production line will be subjected to stringent quality control and oversight, bringing you a final product on-time that is 100% safe, tested, verified, and most importantly, wholly Australian-made product.

Watch this space; there is more to come – we are excited and passionate about the future growth in Australian local PPE manufacturing!